Cabbage Soup Diet Reviews Comments

Must Try

The Worst Diet I Have Ever Seen Or Been On

I Tried The Cabbage Soup Diet & this is Happened-Before & After (HONEST RESULTS!) Beautyklove

I was curious to see what this diet was about, and was I ever surprised! I tried this diet for a few days because I was curious as a Registered Dietitian. The diet excludes whole food groups, which is the first major issue. It consists of cabbage soup, vegetables, fruit, and introducing meat at the end of the seven days. I did not lose any weight on the diet, but I only tried it for three days. I was tempted to cheat on the diet the whole time that I was on it, because the food choices are limited. I actually gained weight on the diet, because I over-ate after the three days! I also had some cramping when I was on the diet, because of the amount of cabbage that the diet suggests. Stay far away from this diet. The bathroom will thank you, and so will your body.EffectivenessShort term weight loss, but not for lifeSide EffectsYou will feel hungry, and may have cramping.Ease of UseI suppose it is easy to follow, but too many restrictions


The Top Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Another study, published in April 2014 in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that adults who ate soup regularly for five years had healthier weights and overall nutritionally balanced diets. Still, its important to note here that the study looked at soups overall, not just cabbage soup. Study subjects also didnt face any dietary restrictions as are seen in the cabbage soup diet.

The authors of the study above also noted that eating too much soup may negatively affect your blood pressure due to its typical high sodium content. Therefore, they recommend choosing low-sodium soups.

How To Do The Diet

My cabbage Soup diet results -Instructions

Day 1:for example, you eat nothing but cabbage soup and all the fruit you want . You can drink water, unsweetened tea or cranberry juice.

Day 2: eat veggies during the day, cabbage soup and a baked potato at dinner your allowed real butter but not margarine. You can drink water, unsweetened tea or cranberry juice.

Day 3: it’s fruit and veggies you want to eat all day , Mix day 1 and day 2 together. You can drink water, unsweetened tea or cranberry juice.

Day 4: Youre encouraged to stuff yourself with brown rice, bananas on this day, eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen the desire for sweets. You can drink water, unsweetened tea or cranberry juice as well.

Day 5 through Day 7 or Day 10:continue with steps 1 through 3. You’ll be amazed! make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

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Extra Precautions To Take If You Try Following The Cabbage Soup Diet

If youre already at a healthy weight, do not have underlying health conditions that would make the plan unsafe, and want to lose a few extra pounds, talk to your healthcare team about whether the cabbage soup diet is right for you. Chances are theyll recommend a longer-term, safer eating plan that can help you lose a pound per week instead. Know that losing smaller amounts of weight at a time is better for you in the long run, as its more likely to stay off and not pose nutritional deficiencies during the plan period.

May Not Provide Enough Nutrients

Cleveland Clinic Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

Low-calorie diets that are used under the supervision of a physician are typically designed to be nutritionally adequate .

However, the food choices of the Cabbage Soup Diet are very limited and unbalanced. The diet includes almost no protein and is also very low in carbs, fat and calories. Additionally, its deficient in many vitamins and minerals.

There is not a serious risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies if you only follow the diet for one week, especially if you decide to take a multivitamin. But this doesnt make up for the diets lack of calories and protein.

Consequently, many people on the Cabbage Soup Diet complain of dizziness, weakness and lightheadedness while on the diet.

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How Does The Cabbage Soup Diet Help You Lose Weight

In general, soup diets focus on reducing calories and fat for several days. This can lead to quick weight loss and shedding a few pounds, helping some people stay motivated to eat healthier as they move on to a long-term diet. The cabbage soup provides many essential nutrients, and it can increase satiety, helping you feel fuller, so you eat less. However, diets like this should only be temporary because they do not include all food groups and can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

I Cannot Stop Pooping Afraid To Go Out As I Might Poop My Pants

I like all the nutrients I’m getting with this diet, but my system cannot tolerate all the fiber, especially the tomatoes. I have been pooping so much my behind is sore and I don’t want to leave the house because I’m honestly afraid of a pooping accident. Never had bowels this loose and uncontrollable before and feel the diet is just not the one for me.Side EffectsUncontrollable bowel movements that are too soft and a mess to clean up after.


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Pros Of The Cabbage Soup Diet:

Theres no denying that cabbage itself is packed with health benefits, as nutritionist at Lifesum Lovisa Nilsson explains. Cabbage is healthy, as it contains plenty of fibre and antioxidants such as vitamin C, she shares. But does that mean you should only eat cabbage? No.

Windas points out that such a low calorie content will likely help you lose weight temporarily. The choices are so limited that youre not likely to over-consume these foods thus keeping you in a calorie deficit and enabling weight loss, she shares.

Do note here: The large intake of cabbage will mean a large intake of fibre. Which is good, sure, but could make those prone to bloating and increased flatulence, like IBS sufferers, struggle.

The Cabbage Soup Diet Meal Plan:

Cabbage Soup Diet: Weigh-in and Review of Day 6 [12/05/2017]

Day 1: Unlimited cabbage soup and fruit . Water and sugar-free fruit juice to drink.

Day 2: Cabbage soup and additional vegetables. One jacket potato with butter for dinner. No fruit at all.

Day 3: Unlimited cabbage soup plus any fruit and vegetables you choose .

Day 4: Unlimited cabbage soup and skimmed milk. Plus up to eight bananas.

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Great If You Like Cabbage

I like soup, so I thought I would give the cabbage soup diet a try. I thought “a diet that I can eat as much as I want – and lose weight! Why not?” However, the cabbage soup diet can be summarized in about 2 words – bland, gross, and monotonous. It is bland because you don’t want to add salt – after all – you’re on a diet. And how flavorful is cabbage? Not very. Secondly, it’s gross only because you get so sick of eating it. You end up not eating so much because I you simply don’t want any. You can add it some fruits now and then which help curb some cravings. But you crave solid foods, not liquids. You want some carbs and meat by day two. It becomes monotonous because you get sick of eating the same thing over and over and over. Overall, I only stuck to it for about six days before calling the local pizza shop and ordering a large cheese pizza. In that six days, I lost about 7 pounds, so I can’t say the diet is ineffective.


What Is The 7

OK, so lets talk about the 7-day cabbage soup diet! Its an old diet that has been around for YEARS and revised over and over again. You are likely to find several different versions online. Its a short-term, weight loss eating plan that involves, you guessed it, LOTS OF CABBAGE SOUP!

No worries, my jazzed-up version of the cabbage soup is delicious! Lately, these 7-day diets have become really popular. Even Dr. Oz has one. I first read about it on a blog I stumbled upon and thought Id give it a try. I didnt expect much, though. Now Im hooked!

I NEVER thought Id like this cabbage soup, but its so good!

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Can It Help You Lose Weight

Do you simply need to lose weight fast or are you shedding your pounds off slowly? In either case the Cabbage Soup Diet may be just what you need.

Lose 10 pounds in seven to ten days! Yep! Thats the claim to fame for this diet.

This diet is not suitable for long-term weight loss because this is considered a low-fat, high-fiber diet. My cabbage Soup diet results negatively varied when I ignored this tip.

However, this diet will help you get into shape fast before you start on a more moderate long-term healthy lifestyle eating plan or just to help you get into that special outfit or bikini for your upcoming trip or special event.

What Can You Eat On A Cabbage Soup Diet

Vegan Cabbage Soup

The meal plan is not restricted to cabbage soup only. Dieters can use other vegetables and bouillon as ingredients for soup. You are also allowed to eat plenty of fruit except bananas. Meats are permitted as long as the quantity does not exceed 20 ounces, and you can enjoy a range of unsweetened beverages like tea, cranberry juice, black coffee and water.

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Cons Of The Cabbage Diet

  • Lack of versatility:People following the cabbage soup diet often complain that it is boring and repetitive. Not many people like cabbage soup enough to enjoy it every day for an entire week.
  • Severe calorie restriction:The greatest concern expressed by nutrition and weight-loss experts is that many versions of the cabbage soup diet restrict calories to fewer than 1,200 calories a day, which is the minimum generally recommended for healthy weight loss. The daily calorie count on the cabbage soup diet is so low that it could be considered a type of fast rather than a diet, which could lead to unhealthy eating habits.
  • Not Based on Scientific Evidence: The cabbage soup diet is not based on any nutritional or medical science. There is no scientific proof that cabbage or cabbage soup has any of the fat-burning properties often advertised in the diet’s description.
  • Not a Long Term Solution: The cabbage soup diet provides no advice for those with emotional eating issues, nor does it offer suggestions for long-term weight management, such as developing healthy eating habits or controlling portion sizes. So after the diet is over, you’re likely to gain back any weight you lose.

How Much Weight Can You Lose On The 7

There are many factors to consider such as gender and age, if you follow the diet strictly or cheated, and to what degree. But most people reported losing up to 10 or more pounds in one week on the weight loss cabbage soup. Keep in mind that the weight that youll lose is a combination of water, fat, and even muscle.

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Soup Diet Review: Do They Work For Weight Loss

A soup diet is generally a short-term eating plan thats designed to help individuals lose weight quickly.

Instead of one official soup diet, there are several soup-based diets. While some involve only eating soup for the duration of the diet, others also include a limited list of allowable foods.

As the idea is to lose weight quickly, most of these diets are only meant to last for 510 days.

This article reviews different types of soup diets, pros and cons of these diets, and whether a soup diet is effective for weight loss.

There are many types of soup diets, with some of the more popular ones listed below. Just keep in mind that theres currently no research on the effectiveness of these specific diets.

Pros Of Cabbage Soup Diet

Debunked: Does The Cabbage Soup Diet Actually Work? | Nutritionist Reviews… | Myprotein

The most obvious benefit of this diet is fast weight loss. Many dieters reported losing 10 pounds in a week on average. This can serve as a great motivator before starting a fitness program, or if you need to lose a few pounds for an occasion. Another advantage of the cabbage soup diet is affordability. The only thing you have to buy is plenty of cabbage, vegetables and a little meat if you prefer. Soup is easy to make and can be seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor.

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Oh Cabbage Soup Dieti Dislike You

Excuse me if I am gagging at the memory of trying this diet, while I write this review. I’ve tried every fad diet known to man. I know the fad diets aren’t healthy and generally not very effective, that hasn’t stopped me anyway. So basically you make this horrid soup and live off of it for 10 days. This is how it progressed for me:Day 1: Hmm not too bad! This may be good.Day 2: Still not bad, neat! Day 3: Oh more soup, ah too bad. Day 4: I’m kind of tired of this soup.Day 5: Ugh the smell of this stuff is horrible.Day 6: Seriously this stuff is disgusting. GAG.Day 7: I. Can’t. Do. This. Day 8: I’m never having cabbage again as long as I live. Maybe I won’t have any type of soup ever again either. Day 9: I QUIT. So, yep that’s basically it. It’s really not bad at first, then progresses to where the smell of the soup just makes you want to gag. Your bowels are going to be very angry at you. Very. Angry. YES you lose weight. And YES you will gain it back if you just resume bad eating habits right when you finish the diet. Only way to keep the weight off is to transition to a healthy diet following the 10 days on the Cabbage Soup Diet. PS. I haven’t eaten cabbage of any sort since then.


Why I Dont Recommend The Cabbage Soup Diet As A Long Term Solution

The Cabbage Soup Diet has remained popular over the years despite numerous warnings and negative reviews about it. I DO NOT recommend this diet plan at all. While it may help you to lose a number of pounds quickly, most of this weight loss will be water and not fat. You will most likely regain all the weight you will lose.

In addition, this is not a good eating plan for you. It simple doesnt give your body what it needs. The diet is very low in protein, calcium, healthy fats, and other necessary nutrients. It is also very high in sodium.

Some of the side-effects of this diet may include fatigue and lot of gas. It can also get pretty depressing eating mostly cabbage soup for an entire week.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a fad diet that you should do only if you have a plan for what to do after the 7 days are up. Then, the real struggle will begin: you will need to maintain your weight.

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Instant Pot Cabbage Soup:

  • To make the detox cabbage soup in the pressure cooker, press the saute function.
  • Heat oil and cook onion, bell pepper, and celery for about 5 minutes, or until softened. Stir every now and then. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute.
  • Add tomato, broccoli slaw, cabbage, broth, tomato paste, pepper, and turmeric. Stir and secure lid. Set on high for 15 minutes, or press the soup function and set for 15 minutes. Allow natural release, about 20 minutes.
  • Remove lid and stir in spinach and lemon juice. Stir in salt but do not go overboard.
  • What Can I Eat On The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

    Cleveland Clinic Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

    This diet consists of cabbage soup, eaten 2 to 3 times a day with other allowed foods as follows:

    • Day 1: Fruit , except bananas
    • Day 2: Vegetables, especially leafy greens and low carb veggies , and no fruit
    • On Day 3: Fruits and vegetables
    • Day 4: Bananas and skim milk
    • Day 5: Beef and tomatoes
    • On Day 6: Beef and vegetables
    • Day 7: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables

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    The Cabbage Soup Recipe

    Now about this weight loss Cabbage Soup , most websites featuring this diet says you should boil the vegetables in water, uhno maam!! Ive always used chicken broth or vegetable broth with seasoned canned tomatoes, which has never hindered my weight loss. Just try to use the low-sodium versions if possible

    Let me just say, there is NO WAY I would be eating this soup every day if I made it with water. Yuck! Throughout the diet, I also use salt , pepper, lots of herbs & seasonings, olive oil, and a tad of butter on potato day. I also add 0-5 calorie flavorings to my water to make sure I get in all my water if needed. These changes have never affected my results.

    Lose Weight Fast With A Cabbage Soup Diet

    Why the cabbage soup diet? Because over the past few years, because of having uncontrolled and undiscipline eating habits, I gained weight, from 97 pound to 117 pounds. Yes, that is a lot of weight. So I tried browsing in the internet to see what kind of diet to try on which is safe, organic, economical and fast to lose weight.So, I tried this cabbage soup diet. I tried this diet for seven days.I had to eat cabbage soup daily and drink lots of water. Cabbage has lots of fiber so you have to drink lots of water for fiber absorbs water. Later it will form bulk to make it easier so you don’t experience constipation.It was not that easy for me to be on that diet for seven days without having my regular meals and eating my favorite dishes. I would smell the aroma of my favorite dish or watch my family eating my favorite food. It was really hard doing that.I also took multivitamins in order for my body to be supplemented with the vitamins I fail to take because I ate only cabbage. When I was eating the soup I would only imagine I was eating a different kind of dish and eating more.When our family had to dine out I usually made excuses not to come so I could stick on my diet.After that I lost weight really fast.I will try it again if I gain weight or needed on some occasion. I would like to recommend it to you people who are interested to lose weight fast but can control their food cravings for seven days and stick to only one food. The “cabbage soup”.

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