Campbell Soup Careers Fayetteville Nc

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Happiness At Campbell Soup Company

Watch me get $57.36 of Campbell’s Soup for $4.68 at Publix!

Campbell Soup Company Happiness at a Glance

Based on 78 ratings, Campbell Soup Company employees rate their happiness at the workplace a C-. The Happiness score describes how employees feel about the overall positivity in the workplace and incorporates their answers to questions like Do you believe you’re paid fairly? and Are you satisfied with your Benefits?.In general, Caucasian employees and employees with Over 10 Years experience are considered to be the most happy at Campbell Soup Company. Females are the most optimistic about their career at Campbell Soup Company.The company is in the Bottom 30% of other companies in Wilmington, DE and Bottom 30% of other companies on Comparably.

Campbell Soup Company Careers

Campbell Soup Company’s Career scores are comprised of a C- rating for Happiness, a C- rating for Environment, and a D- rating for Retention. This places Campbell Soup Company in the Bottom 30% of similar sized companies for Happiness, Bottom 30% for Environment, and Bottom 10% for Retention. Learn more about how employees feel towards their careers at Campbell Soup Company.

Campbell Soup Company is in the Bottom 30% of Similar Sized Companies on Comparably

Campbell Soup Company is in the Bottom 30% of Similar Sized Companies on Comparably

Campbell Soup Company is in the Bottom 10% of Similar Sized Companies on Comparably

Retention At Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company Retention at a Glance

Campbell Soup Company’s Retention score is rated a D- by 27 employees. The category helps understand Campbell Soup Company’s focus and commitment to retaining employees in their organization.Over the past month, Campbell Soup Company’s Retention score has remained steady at 54/100. In general, Caucasian employees and employees with Over 10 Years experience think the most highly about Campbell Soup Company’s efforts around retaining employees.Campbell Soup Company’s Retention score is in the Bottom 10% of similar sized companies on Comparably. The Company ranks in the Bottom 15% compared to nearby companies in Wilmington, DE.

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Employment Opportunities In Cumberland County: October 2020

Oct 15, 2020 | Blog Posts

As our regional economy emerges from the Coronavirus shutdown, Cumberland Countys diversified industry base is poised for growth. For those looking for employment, or wanting to make a change, there are currently thousands of career opportunities available on and hundreds of local quality job openings in manufacturing, distribution, and professional services. As operations pick back up, so does the need for personnel. With Cumberland Countys local educational resources and strong ties to Fort Bragg, employers know that we have the highly skilled workforce they need. Below is a list of some of the companies hiring, their available jobs, and how to apply.

  • About: Campbells is known for its soups, sauces, and other food products, and the Fayetteville location is a distribution center for the company. To ensure products reach customers timely and safely, Campbells partnered with transportation and logistics company NFI Industries.
  • Job Title:
  • About: Chemours is a new kind of chemistry that works in industries ranging from automotive, paints, and plastics to electronics, construction, energy, and telecommunications.
  • Job Titles:
  • About: A joint venture between Shaw Industries Group, Inc and DAK Americas, LLC, Clear Path Recycling, LLC was created to recycle post-consumer PET bottles and produce recycled PET flake.
  • Job Titles:
  • Production Machine Operators
  • Loaders

Campbell Soup And Dhl Supply Chain Select Fayetteville For Distribution Center Creating 140 Full


Dec 22, 2017 | Press Releases

Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC in partnership with DHL Supply Chain have announced that they have selected the Cedar Creek Business Center in Fayetteville for a new, state-of-the-art distribution center. Together, the companies plan to invest more than $40 million in the project. This will result in the creation of 140 full-time jobs in Cumberland County.

In a press release today, Governor Roy Cooper and N.C. Commerce Secretary Anthony M. Copeland congratulated the community on its competitive assets that attracted the companies to the area. Governor Cooper said, DHL Supply Chain and Campbell chose Cumberland County for its skilled workforce, proximity to major transportation hubs, and favorable business climate. Im proud to welcome them to North Carolina.

DHL Supply Chain is partnering with Campbell to develop a distribution network of four centers across the country. Construction of the 627,000-square-foot distribution site will begin in early 2018 at the Cedar Creek Business Center. The facility will also have the ability to expand by 50 percent in the future. In addition to 140 full-time jobs, DHL and Campbells expect to create 55 part-time jobs. Salaries for the new employees will vary by position. Once all positions are filled, the annual payroll impact will total $4.515 million.

to read the full Press Release

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Careers At Campbell Soup Company

Learn more about careers at Campbell Soup Company by reviewing how real employees feel about their work experience at the company. Get an inside look into how happy the employees are and their thoughts on the overall work environment. Also, review Retention scores to understand Campbell Soup Company’s focus and commitment to retaining top talent at their company.

27 employees at Campbell Soup Company have provided detailed feedback about their Quality of Life at Campbell Soup Company. Campbell Soup Company’s Environment score ranks the highest at 65/100 , while the Retention score ranks the lowest at 54/100 .

Dhl Campbell Soup Generate New Jobs In North Carolina

DHL Supply Chain and Campbell Soup Co. will deliver a gift to warehouse workers in North Carolina: 140 new jobs.

The third-party logistics firm and the legendary soup maker will invest more than $40 million to construct a 627,000-square-foot distribution center in Fayetteville, N.C.

In addition to 140 full-time jobs, DHL expects to create 55 part-time jobs to operate the distribution and logistics center.

North Carolinas Cumberland County is the ideal place to expand our partnership with Campbell Soup Company through a new distribution center, said Franklin Littleton, president of DHLs consumer sector. Weve been fortunate to work with Campbells since 2013, and see this as the next step on our collaborative journey to improve the companys supply chain bandwidth and deliver real food that matters for lifes moments.

Enhancing our distribution capabilities is the most effective and efficient way to meet dynamic customer and consumer needs today and in the future, said Robert Furbee, senior vice president of global supply chain at Campbell. The combination of partnering with an expert like DHL Supply Chain and Fayettevilles proximity to major rail and truck transportation hubs helps us quickly advance that strategy.

To help fund the project, the state kicked in a five-year $200,000 grant on the conditions that neither company receives the money upfront and they meet specific job creation and capital investment targets.

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Environment At Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company Environment at a Glance

11 Campbell Soup Company employees believe their work environment deserves a C-. The Environment score describes how employees feel about their relationship with coworkers and overall work productivity at the Company.In general, Caucasian employees and employees with Over 10 Years experience think the most highly about their work environment.The Environment score has remained steady over the past month. The 41 ratings are derived from employee answers to questions like On average, how many hours do you work a day? and What is most positive about the culture and environment at your company?.

Mm Mm Good: Campbell Soup Bringing 140 Jobs To Fayetteville

Campbell’s or Progresso Soup?- A Snap Convo

Posted December 22, 2017 11:41 a.m. ESTUpdated December 22, 2017 3:44 p.m. EST

Fayetteville, N.C. Campbell Soup Co. is partnering with logistics firm DHL Supply Chain to open a distribution hub in Fayetteville, creating 140 jobs, officials said Friday.

The companies expect to invest $40 million in the project, one of four such centers nationwide, which will be built in the Cumberland County-owned Cedar Creek Business Park.

“Enhancing our distribution capabilities is the most effective and efficient way to meet dynamic customer and consumer needs today and in the future,” Robert Furbee, Campbell’s senior vice president for global supply chain, said in a statement. “The combination of partnering with an expert like DHL Supply Chain and Fayettevilles proximity to major rail and truck transportation hubs helps us quickly advance that strategy.”

The 627,000-square-foot warehouse has the capacity to be expanded up to 50 percent, if needed, officials said. In addition to the 140 full-time jobs, DHL expects to create 55 part-time jobs to operate the distribution and logistics center.

Salaries for the new jobs will vary by position, but the total payroll is expected to top $4.5 million.

The companies qualified for a five-year, $200,000 grant from the One North Carolina Fund, which is matched by local funds. The companies must meet annual hiring and investment targets to obtain the money.

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